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Camp-to-Adopt Reader Response

Camp-to-Adopt Reader Response
Reader Response
The Camp-to-Adopt Program

Kidsave Works!
Contributed by Anne
We had a very enjoyable experience.
I believe Kidsave would be considered one of the "larger groups" that was referred to in the article, but we are traveling next week and it's only the beginning of October. So the wait is no longer because of the size of the group. I think that Kidsave is the only program that does not require a host family to have their homestudy done. This is attractive to some families because they may have not made the decision to adopt. Also, Kidsave does not charge families to participate. They do ask families to help fundraise. This is great because adopting families keep the program going.

Also, Kidsave continues to advocate for the kids after they are gone and many of the "smaller" groups do not. If the child is not adopted by a host family, they are dumped.
copyright by the author 2001 (c)
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